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Student Accommodation in Madrid

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Madrid : 9


Resa Residence Hall Paseo de la Habana

Swimming pool, cafeteria, modern facilities and in an unbeatable location, next to the Castellana axis and Plaza Castilla.

Rooms from €1,100 a month
Residencia Universitaria Resa Chamartin Sala Comun Azotea Headers web desktop (1120x710px)

Resa Residence Hall Chamartín

Close to the city centre, cafeteria, rooftop with water and relaxation zone.

Single studio from €1,347
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Resa Residence Hall Miguel Antonio Caro

In Ciudad Universitaria, near Moncloa station, swimming pool, cafeteria.

Double rooms from €1,073 a month
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Resa Residence Hall Santa María del Estudiante

In Moncloa, near universities, cafeteria, swimming pool.

Double rooms from €1,186 a month
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Resa Residence Hall Moncloa

In the heart of Ciudad Universitaria, fabulous communal areas, cafeteria.

Rooms from €1,353 a month

Resa Residence Hall Giner de los Ríos

In the External Campus of the University of Alcalá, studios with kitchen, dining room.

Double studio with kitchen from €430 a month
residencias universitarias madrid resa vallehermoso zonas comunes piscina dekt

Resa Residence Hall Vallehermoso

Cafeteria, swimming pool, located in the center and close to Ciudad Universitaria.

Rooms from €1,141 a month
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Resa Residence Hall Erasmo

In Cantoblanco Campus (UAM), cafeteria, studios with bathroom and kitchen.

Double studio from €516,5 a month 
Residencia Universitaria Madrid Resa Claudio Coello piscina

Resa Residence Hall Claudio Coello

Close to the city centre, cafeteria, pool.

Double studio from €1,285 a month
resa residencias universitarias en madrid alojamiento estudiantes

Enjoy a unique urban experience in Madrid

Madrid welcomes you with open arms, providing a vibrant cultural, university and social scene. You will find world-class museums such as the Prado, the Thyssen Bornemisza and the Reina Sofía.  


But that’s not all, because Madrid is also a sports paradise, with the iconic Santiago Bernabéu Stadium as the focal point of footballing excitement. And when it comes to travel, you’re in the heart of Spain, which means you can easily explore historic cities such as Toledo, Salamanca, Valladolid and Segovia. 


The energy this city exudes is infectious. Madrid is in a state of constant development, and its economic vitality can be felt in every corner of the city. And don’t forget that in this exciting setting, you’ll find world-renowned universities and postgraduate programmes to boost your academic future. 

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it will be even easier to choose your hall of residence

IED Madrid