RESA will use the personal data collected through forms and those deriving from the use of this website and your relationship with the data controller for the following purposes:
• Contact form and “Chat”: We will contact you as requested after receiving your application. Said contact includes but is not limited to answering any queries you may have in relation to the products or services made available on this website.
The legal ground for processing the data is your consent (art. 6.1 a) of the GDPR) expressed at the time of sending your contact request.
• Booking application form: To process your request to book accommodation and, therefore, forward the data to the company that owns the residence hall so that it can process your booking request. As an independent data controller, it will process the data for admission and, where appropriate, contracting procedures. Once the resident-client has been admitted, the data collected in the booking form may be used in connection with RESA HUB/RESA LIFE activities. The contact details provided for emergencies will be processed by the selected establishment and the Company that owns the establishment.
The legal ground for processing the data is the performance of a contract in accordance with Article 6.1 b) of GDPR, understood as the booking conditions accepted at the time of formalising the reservation for the accommodation. Your data needs to be processed to ensure the correct provision of the contracted service.
• Arranging visits to the accommodation: Should you express an interest in visiting the accommodation, the data provided will be processed to arrange the visit to the chosen accommodation. The data will be forwarded to the company that owns the residence, which is an independent data controller, to be processed and managed for the visit.
The legal ground for processing the data is the implementation of pre-contractual measures following your request in accordance with article 6.1 b) of the GDPR, as it is understood that you have an interest in contracting the accommodation services of one of the assets of the data controllers. Your data must be processed for the visit to be conducted correctly.
• Sending commercial communications: If you expressly consent, your data may be processed for sending commercial communications, including by electronic means, about RESA products and/or services.
The legal ground for processing your personal data is your express consent (art. 6.1 a) of GDPR). You may withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the legitimate basis for processing the data based on your consent prior to its withdrawal.
• Disclosure of data to Group companies: If you consent, your data may be disclosed to RESA Group companies so that they can send you commercial information, through any means, including by electronic means, about their products or services. You can find the RESA Group entities at the following URL:
The legal ground for processing your personal data is your express consent (art. 6.1 a) of GDPR). Should you wish to revoke your consent for this purpose, you may do so at any time by sending your request to
• Contact related to Quality Surveys: We will contact you through any channel, for example, by telephone, to obtain your opinion regarding the products contracted and/or services rendered by RESA.
The legal ground for processing your data is the legitimate interest of RESA (art. 6.1 f) of the RGPD) to assess your level of satisfaction in relation to the products contracted and/or services provided with a view to improving RESA’s processes and services.
After conducting the corresponding analysis, RESA has considered that your interests as the person affected are not harmed in any way since the surveys will allow you to report on your experience with RESA, which may benefit the service you receive in the future.