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If you want to contact a specific residence hall, please see the information below in the list of residence halls.

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Frecuently Asked Questions

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Check our FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions, where you will find information about:

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    *Required fields

    In accordance with the provisions of the data protection regulations in force, we hereby inform you that the company Residencias de Estudiantes, S.L. - RESA, in its capacity as data controller, will process your data for the purpose of responding to your request for contact. The legal basis legitimising this processing is your consent expressed at the time of sending us your request for contact. We may also process your data, if you have given us your express consent, for the purposes described in the additional consents. That is, to send you commercial communications about products and/or services of RESA and/or of the companies of the RESA Group.

    Likewise, if you give your consent by means of the corresponding box on the form, we will transfer your data to other Companies of the RESA Group so that they may send you commercial information. You may consult the list of the companies owning other residence halls that make up the Resa Group at the following URL:

    We inform you that you can exercise your right of portability, access, rectification, deletion or limitation of your data and withdraw, where appropriate, the consent granted through

    For more information about how we treat your personal data, please visit the following link

    Choose a residence hall

    Which residence do you want to talk to?

    Alcalá de Henares

    Resa Residence Hall Giner de los Ríos

    Icono teléfono 911 81 81 00

    Icono dirección Ctra. Madrid - Barcelona, 33.600 km Campus de la Universidad de Alcalá, 28805 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid


    Resa Residence Hall Civitas

    Icono teléfono 950 88 81 32

    Icono dirección Calle Fernan Caballero, 1, 04007 Almeria


    Resa Residence Hall Barcelona Diagonal

    Icono teléfono 937 01 20 00

    Icono dirección Carrer del Capità Arenas, 52, 56, 08034 Barcelona

    Resa Residence Hall Campus del Mar

    Icono teléfono 933 90 40 00

    Icono dirección Pg. de Salvat Papasseit, 4, 08003 Barcelona

    Resa Residence Hall Investigadors

    Icono teléfono 934 43 86 10

    Icono dirección Carrer de l'Hospital, 64, 08001 Barcelona

    Resa Residence Hall La Ciutadella

    Icono teléfono 933 94 32 00

    Icono dirección Pg. de Pujades, 33-37, 08018 Barcelona

    Resa Residence Hall La Salle

    Icono teléfono 935 08 46 00

    Icono dirección C/ de Sant Joan de la Salle, 42, 08022 Barcelona

    Resa Residence Hall Lesseps

    Icono teléfono 933 94 16 00

    Icono dirección Pl. de Lesseps, 12, 08023 Barcelona

    Resa Residence Hall Pere Felip Monlau

    Icono teléfono 933 94 31 00

    Icono dirección C/ Sant Oleguer, 20-22 08001 Barcelona

    Resa Residence Hall Torre Girona

    Icono teléfono 933 90 43 00

    Icono dirección Passeig dels Til·lers, 19, 08034 Barcelona


    Call us

    If you prefer by phone, that’s fine too.

    Monday-Friday 9a.m. to 7p.m.

    See all frequently asked questions